Which brings me to wonder what it is in the human psyche that causes us to turn everything into a competition. It is everywhere, in everything we do. There are so many game shows on television right now, that hardly anyone notices the writers' strike. Everyone has to be smarter, stronger, craftier, more popular, or more ruthless than everyone else. Yes, I know that many animals compete for food or for position, but they don't have this continual need to prove themselves. They don't have to prove anything, they just ARE. Wouldn't it be great just to BE and not have to worry about the impression we make?
One of my favorite little sayings goes like this:
When you are twenty, you worry about what people think of you.
When you are thirty, you don't care what people think of you.
When you are forty, you realize they weren't thinking about you at all!!!
(It is humbling for us when we finally discover that we are not the center of the universe alfter all.)
By the way, this is an 8 x 8 Acrylic on stretched, studio wrapped canvas, and has been listed on eBay today.
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