Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Portrait of a Woman, A Thankful Heart

A Thankful Heart
Is a Heart at Peace

It is no secret that peace is a by-product of gratitude. It is also true that often the most thankful people are those who do not exhibit an abundance of material possessions. It may not make any sense to the rest of us, but it is true, nevertheless. They tend to treasure the simple things in life, the things we all take for granted - love, friendship, beauty, and the joy of living.

That is why, at this time of year, we all can take time out from making and spending money, running here and there, and trying to have a good time, just to say, "Thank you."  I wish I had said thank you more often to my parents, but I can still say it to my husband, my children, my friends and neighbors, my pastors, the UPS man, rhe Schwan man, the guy who reads my gas meter! Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for all the threads you have sewn into my tapestry of living.  Thank you that the world is a better, more interesting place because of you.

A thankful heart is a heart at peace. For that reason, I thank God, for the peace that passes all understanding, for His unfailing love, for the abundant life He has given me.  A teacher of mine used to say, "God's prosperity is when all your needs are met and there is still enough left over to meet the needs of others."
Have a blessed and prosperous Thanksgiving!

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