Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Maine Coon Cat

Tiger Stalks
Maine Coon Cats are a very popular breed, and I receive many requests to paint them. This one of Tiger, a cat belonging to my mother-in-law, shows him stalking his prey. He loves to play tiger and stalks all kinds of things - his toys, my poodle, bugs, his imaginary friends, anything that moves, and if nothing moves he will make it move.  He does resemble a raccoon in a way, but he really is a tiger, and don't you forget it!  Whenever I run across another photo of him I am inspired to paint him again.

As I wrote before in an earlier blog, my husband's parents gave a home to this helpless little stray kitten and took care of him. But later on, when my mother-in-law was widowed, Tiger took care of her - he was her friend and companion, he kept track of her and, when she didn't feel like doing anything else, she would sit in her rocking chair and hold him. All that sounds to me like the hand of God. He knows what we need before we do, and He makes provision for us ahead of time.

This painting is available for sale on eBay. Click here to view the fixed price listing.

By the way, according to a note written on the back of one of his photos, Tiger began life as "Marie."  For some reason everyone thought he was a "she," even the veterinarian.  When Marie was taken in to be spayed, the vet shaved off her fur before realizing it would require another kind of operation altogether.  Tiger was more than just a little indignant about the entire ordeal, but animals do not hold grudges as humans do.  

  Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.  It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.  Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.               
                   1Cor. 13:4-7                


Vicki said...

Del, I am forever amazed at what extraordinary talent you have! This is a gorgeous painting. Maine Coon's are so beautiful and are perhaps my favorite breed. I think they are superior in intelligence to other cats or perhaps they simply want us humans to think that way. Anyway, you have certainly caught that look they often get when they don't get their way or when they are wondering what in the world their silly humans are doing this time! Such a beautiful animal and such a heartwarming story. I do completely agree that God provides for us well in advance of our need but I fear we too often take that provision for granted. Thanks for the reminder. Vicki ♥

dellartist said...

Thanks so much for your comments, Vicki.