Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Jesus Portrait

Portrait of Christ. The original is 9 x 12. 8 x 10 prints will be offered at $50.00 each.

This is a new painting, pastel on Wallis Premium Professional Pastel Paper, mounted on foam core board. I am not sure I want to part with the original, but prints will be offered soon. Jesus in a quiet moment, perhaps praying, perhaps speaking with someone, perhaps with you or me.

I have done many portraits of Christ during my career. A painting may begin with a model, or just my imagination, but they all seem to end up looking alike. My work is a deep emotional response to the Person I have come to know rather than an attempt to portray a historical figure. Not who He was, but who He has become to me.


Vernita Hoyt said...

Della ... this is truly beautiful. So filled with Spirit. I wouldn't part with the original either.

Anonymous said...

Della, this is breathtaking--oh, His eyes! I wouldn't give up the original, either.

Awesome work!

Sniffles and Smiles said...


I'm not usually a fan of portraits of Christ...they so often fall short ...but this is magnificent! I love it! ~Janine OX